web design and development online course in just 299 Rs Only

The Best web development course online at 299 Rs Only

Anishkiacademy provides the best online web design & development course at a cheap rate from all the market values. All the content is downloadable and lifetime access. 220 + Practical videos.

Anish ki academy

Best complete web development course online

This course will instruct you all that you have to think about UX, including configuration, substance, and coding. What's more, you'll gain from the beginning, so it doesn't make a difference how much experience you have when you start.
You'll be presented to standards and methodologies, in any case, more critically, you'll figure out how to really apply these theoretical ideas by coding three unique sites for three totally different crowds.

What you will get in this course 220+ Practical videos

Introduction Why This is The Only Design Development Course Youll Ever Need
Introduction to Visual Design
Introduction to Adobe Photoshop
Introduction to Web Design and more Photoshop
Advanced Web Design Challenge
Introduction to HTML
Intermediate HTML
Advanced HTML  HTML5
Expert HTML  HTML5
Introduction to CSS
Intermediate CSS
Advanced CSS
Expert CSS  CSS3
Advanced HTML  CSS Challenge
Introduction to Javascript
Introduction to jQuery
Intermediate jQuery
JQuery UI Advanced jQuery
Responsive Design  Development using Bootstrap
Advanced Bootstrap Challenge
Web Hosting  Domains
Introduction to PHP
Intermediate PHP
Introduction to MySQL Databases
Advanced PHP  MySQL Challenge
WordPress Websites
Career Development How to Start Your Web Design  Development Career
WordPress Plugin Quick Start NEW

Improve your website with UX strategies

Apply UX procedures to a site's substance and structure 
Realize what directs how your site should look 
Plan and code a B2B site, a B2C blog, and a web-based business webpage

Understand UX and learn how to develop the Winning website

This course will assist you with standing apart as a website specialist, showing you how to apply User Experience (UX) systems that will make each webpage you assemble helpful, usable, and significant. 

Loaded up with activities and exercises, the UX Guidebook is an incredible instrument to reference as you progress through the course, or while building up your own custom destinations. 

You'll additionally get hands-on experience structuring and coding three unique kinds of locales. This will give you the certainty to seek after comparative ventures in case you're as of now a web specialist, on the off chance that you need to get into a website composition, or in the event that you need to improve your present business webpage.


Contents and overview

Regardless of whether you're a finished apprentice, this course will tell you the best way to make a site practical, appealing, and fruitful. It will walk you through the entirety of the means required to upgrade the User Experience on any site, directly down to the code, substance, and structure. 

You'll start by characterizing who your site clients are and what they anticipate from the site. You'll additionally figure out how business objectives — yours or your customer's — must be revealed and tended to for site achievement. 

You'll realize what inquiries to pose to the two gatherings, and you'll utilize the responses to illuminate your substance and structure choices. 

Next, you'll delve into Information Architecture (IA), which takes a gander at the substance on your site, how you ought to order it, what you should call it, and that's only the tip of the iceberg. 

This will establish the framework on which you can additionally work out your site to make clients run to it, remain on it, and ideally make buys. 

Additionally, you'll tackle how to structure your site contingent on who your guests are, regardless of whether your site is B2B (business-to-business), B2C (business-to-buyer), or a web-based business webpage for selling items on the web. 

Various crowds have various requirements, so realizing what your objective client anticipates from your site implies you'll have the option to structure and manufacture a site that meets those desires and prompts more noteworthy changes. 

Notwithstanding comprehending what you have to place into your site to make it stand apart from the group, you'll likewise figure out how to distinguish and evacuate UX-and UI-related hindrances. 

The capacity to see and take care of these issues will guarantee each site you manufacture pushing ahead will be helpful, usable, and important to the individuals who use it. 

Above all, you'll at that point figure out how to really manufacture and code these kinds of locales utilizing HTML, CSS, WordPress, and the sky is the limit from there. 

You'll not just ability to adequately plan B2B, B2C, and web-based business destinations, yet you'll additionally know precisely how to build up these locales, all the way. 

Before the finish of this course, you'll have a top to bottom comprehension of UX and website architecture, just as the instruments to build up an assortment of locales with the correct code. 

You'll know why UX is so critical to the two clients and organizations, what substance is required on a webpage, what UI configuration is proper, and how to change your vision into a completely useful site utilizing the best apparatuses accessible.


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